Project: Denny's

"And so it was written that at each Denny's there shall be a worker
whose image resembles that of Saint Al of Yankovic."
- The Pleasant Chronicles

Originally written on February 24, 1996. Last updated on March 4, 1997.

New!since March 4 - Up to date in the Feedback section and the Viewer Index. I also split the Viewer Index into a few pages so those with slow modems (such as myself) would have an easier time loading.

New!since September 7 - Denny's Links section now includes WAVs of two different Denny's Jingles!

Next Denny's Trip - I now live in Arizona! Tucson, to be exact. Those who have been following the quest know that it'll be a bit more difficult to meet up with Wally Pleasant, but I'll be back in his neck of the woods in April, and then again in July, so who knows. As to future trips, I still have a few more left in Tucson to visit, and Phoenix isn't far away, either. Plus, I'm going to Las Vegas (Nevada) in April. So expect a whole bunch of southwestern Denny's trips soon.

To visit all of the Denny's restaurants in the world (or at least as many as possible), getting lots of free stuff along the way.

Das Büs, the Infamous Love Den of Steel.

Übersturmgruppenführer: P7A77;
Üntergruppenführer: Amie Vanderford;
Sturmband: John "Adder" Fink, J-R Little, Chris Roehl, Josh (formerly "The Bear") Wyen;
Übergruppen: Ken Apel, Chastity Armola, Seth Bartles, Conrad Chuang, Corpse, Angelique DuPress, Roger Everett, Jen Fischer, Cindi Fountain, Sven Geier, Peri Gin- Hopwood-y-Silva, Roger Giner, Teresa Gubbins, Jim, Damian Krabill, Drew Milcdajczyk, Chris Moore, Loree Parker, Aaron T. Porter, Kasey Princell, Richard Pruitt, Barbara Reece, Shawn Roberts, Jern Scudiere, Dan Springer, Phil Stewart, JT Tararra, TWIST, Kristen VonGruben, Jan Warren, Rachel Weidinger, Anne Wooster
Untergruppen: anyone else who has sent us feedback or contributed to the viewer index


*Index of the Indices
*Chronological Index by Date
*Alphabetical Index by State and City
*Numerical Index by Denny's Franchise Number
*Viewer Index of Denny's visited by Viewers Like You

*Project: Denny's Sampler - Our Favourite Highlights

*Trophy Room - Shameless Display of Awards, Praise, and Links

*Send Feedback to P7A77 or read what others have said

[These pages conceived, written, and maintained by Jason Alan Pfaff.]MY PROMISE TO YOU: I guarantee that these pages will never have animated gifs, javascript tags, frames, multiple windows, or anything other than the basic HTML that you see here now. Additionally, I will never have "hot links", an "under construction" sign, a flashing tag, or anything else of the sort. This is just my way of guaranteeing the highest quality:noise ratio. Besides, those things are as annoying as all git-out. Have a nice day.